the big cat sanctuary
We have fifty cats at the Big Cat Sanctuary. They are either part of international breeding programmes, have been rescued from dire conditions, or are considered to be retired and are here to live out their days. They were all born in captivity and as such will never be released into the wild.
For me, it’s not just about resources, money can fix some problems, but long term solutions demand deep and meaningful relationships. In my view, the rangers and conservationists on the ground are the true wildlife heroes.
I’m often questioned over my work with cats, my proximity to them and the zoo industry as a whole. There should be debate; we aren’t immune from robust conversations and I believe there are multiple ways we can make a difference. But I often think animals don’t have the luxury of time. They cannot wait for us to calibrate our moral compasses and surely we should all be doing something, anything, to help shape a world that we can be proud of and one where cats firmly have a future.
As the Director of Cats and Conservation, I contribute to the sanctuary by making decisions both on location about how to care for our cats and where our conservation budget gets spent.

getting involved.
if you’re an individual, a business or a school, we can help and support your fundraising idea.
What if you don’t have an idea? That’s fine too, we have loads! Get in touch through the link below to chat to us about how you can help fundraise for The Big Cat Sanctuary, and in turn support big cat conservation across the world.
Our ambition is to grant the cats the best life possible. We are not a traditional zoo, so we don’t have lots of members of the public on site at any one time. Visitors can pay to come to the sanctuary on carefully managed tours and we prefer to keep numbers limited. These visits allow our cats to play an important ambassadorial role, helping to raise awareness and funds for the sanctuary, as well as helping us support conservation projects around the world.